Security Overview
Security Architecture & Considerations

Game Admin implements multiple layers of security to protect your game servers and data. Understanding these security measures and potential considerations is crucial for maintaining a secure environment.
Core Security Features
- Docker-based isolation for each game server instance
- Key-based SSH authentication only (password authentication disabled)
- Role-based access control (RBAC) for team management
- Secure API endpoints with token-based authentication
Application Security
- Enterprise-grade CSRF Protection
- Advanced session management with automatic secure cookie handling and protocol-aware security
- Intelligent per-second rate limiting with adaptive throttling for enhanced brute-force protection
- Comprehensive SQL injection prevention using Laravel's secure query builder and ORM
- Built-in XSS protection with context-aware escaping and Content Security Policy (CSP) headers
- Enterprise datacenter hosting with redundant infrastructure and 99.9% uptime guarantee
- Professional-grade firewall with intelligent threat detection and automated blocking
- Automatic password rehashing with configurable strength and algorithm updates
- Graceful encryption key rotation for seamless security updates
- Automated security patches and updates with zero-downtime deployment
Important Security Considerations
Team Access
- Review who has access to your servers regularly
- Remove access for team members who leave
Password Safety
- Use unique passwords for each service
- Enable two-factor authentication when possible
Backup Management
- Keep regular backups of important game data
- Test restoring from backups occasionally
Regular Maintenance
- Keep your game servers updated
- Monitor server performance and unusual activity